

We all think that happiness is something which is derived. The truth is happiness is our very nature.


One who mastered himself cannot be mastered by any one.


Purity is Beauty.
Truthfulness is Wealth.
Discipline is Strength.


Father, take away all the ‘I’s in me; if still there is an ‘I’, it is not I, but Thee.


To have faith in yourself is bronze; To make others have faith in you is silver;
To have faith in God is golden; To make God have faith in you is diamond.


Whatever may come, whatever may go, we won’t lose anything, as we don’t own anything to lose.


As far as India is concerned, her vital principle is ‘freedom of soul’. An ideal patriot works for it. He stands for the Truth or the Self. He stands against all that fetters the Truth or the Self.


Hurting the nature is not our nature. We had made it so, as we all are trained to think that it is impossible to live without causing any harm to Her.


If selfishness drives your love, then this is not the love that the realized beings talk about.


Wisdom and Love are the two sides of the same coin. The result of Wisdom is Love and the effect of Love is the Wisdom of the Self.


It does not matter how far you run or how long you run, you have to climb up vertically. That is the real progress.


 The true precious things always come for free. That’s why they are seldom given proper attention.